Our goals for 2025
Scholarship projects
Our goal is to provide educational opportunities to 25,330 students and adult learners by 2025 giving better opportunities for the future.
Helping a local hometown
Our goal for 2025 is to open a dental clinic in Veracruz so that Divemex employees and family members have a better and healthier life.
Reduce plastic waste
Our goal for 2025 is to reduce plastic waste and recycle because we care about the world and the future generations.
We strive for Positive change Future generations Save water Fair Trade Increasing life Protect bees Recycle Sustainability Renewable energy Organic products Social workers Communities Our people
Divemex is taking action to support positive change for future generations.
The objectives aimed at improving the quality of life of our workers, their families and the communities.
School rehabilitation
School transportation
Incentive to the best average Courses, workshops and master’s degrees.
Plant tours.
Teachers CONAFE National Institute of Adult Education.
Transfer unit
Dental office
Doctor’s office
A better see
Listen better
Support for people with disabilities
Emergency fund
Health campaigns
Labor and Social Welfare
Cinema Divemex
Spreading happiness
Plastic recycling
Institutional agreements
Awareness campaigns
Day care centers
Recreational walks
Children’s Soccer League
Protocols, Policies and Procedures
Social work
Healthy Lifestyle
Hot breakfasts
Low weight control
Low cost pantries
Welcome pantries
Food from place of origin
Improve Living
Improve your home
Divemex Homes
Experience & passion for organic sustainable agriculture.
Organically grown
Consumers want to know everything that goes into the products they buy and eat. We don’t use chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and (GMO’s) genetically modified seed.
Recycable plastic
We only use the recycable plastic for our bags accepted through most American recycling programs.
Sustainable box
We only use 100% recycable boxes from renewable fiber.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative.
Natural warriors
Working with natural warrior inside our greenhouses has made and enormous impact on the organic and conventional sweet bell pepper production.
Goal for 2022 is to increase awareness for food waste, pollinator conservation and reduce water waste.
Water First!
Drip irrigation systems along with water reservoirs are a must have to make better use of our resources. We use water reservoirs to catch rain water, ensuring that no water is wasted. Water is collected and ready to use.
Plant the Future
Planting herbs to help conserve bees is carried out in August, and at Divemex we join the campaign to plant rosemary, rue, nettle, oregano, mint, and thyme.
Plant them in your garden and you will be contributing to the conservation of bees.
Bee Squad
We have a team that is responsible for protecting and regenerating the life of insects.
By promoting the pollinator conservation using only best practices.
Reduce Food Waste
Despite efforts to reduce food waste in our company this year the percentage has increased in response to the needs of children affected by school closures, food banks are meeting the need through community-based food package distribution.
Members of Bancos de Alimentos de México (BAMX)
Renewable Energy
Energy that is collected from renewable resources to our packing houses.
Solar energy is used worldwide and is increasingly popular for generating electricity